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Just a Little Special
조금은 특별한 이들의 이야기
  • 저자Yong In Cho
  • 출간일2019-09-30
  • 분야에세이
  • ISBN979-11-90162-58-6(03810)
  • 페이지208쪽
  • 판형128 * 188mm
  • 정가12,800원
A high-school senior and a passionate author from Chadwick International who simply cannot withstand a second without books. Since 2011, he has regularly visited the Purme Foundation, Kanghwa Uri Village, Bucheon Haelim Center, House of Aduck, Korea Kyungjin School, and Saegdong-Won with his father to give the disabled free dental care. To share the warmth and lessons he has gained from the experience, he collaborated with his sister, Yehin, to illustrate his story of service with the hope of bridging the gap between the disabled and the rest of society. In his free time, he loves playing tennis with his friends and writes out random plots of novels and other thoughts that come to his mind. He lives in Incheon, South Korea, with his loving parents and sister.
이 책의 키워드 #Disabled #Service#Policy#Community


There are two ways to make people move forward.


One is to put a gun behind their head and another is to place a flower in front of them. This book is an interview essay that portrays 14 people who have placed their flowers on the boy’s path and guided him towards the right way.


This is a story of a high school student who began to follow his father 8 years ago to give the disabled free dental service. The author interviews 14 volunteers from various institutions including the Purme Foundation, Kanghwa Uri Village, Bucheon Haelim Center, House of Aduck, and Korea Kyungjin School, to illustrate these heroes’ philosophies regarding service and its unique meaning to those who view their service as just a part of their everyday life. The book further describes the author’s discovery of new perspectives regarding the current society’s issues about the disabled and the problems arising from the government's current policies with respect to the disabled.


As the author interviews people in various positions, including priests, nuns, voluntary service foundation executives, administrators of disabled facilities, special teachers and nurses at disabled schools, and other volunteers, he asks them what their own definition of service is, their motivation to live such a life of service, their different perspectives regarding the disabled people, and their thoughts on Korea’s public policies concerning the disabled people and their facilities. It also addresses the problems that the developmentally disabled elders face in today’s society and their hopes for teenagers as the future candles of the world. 







. KyungHak Paik

     Executive director of the Purme Foundation 

. Anna Maria 

     Head Sister of the House of Aduck 

. KiDuck Wang 

     Director of the Purme Foundation distribution team 

. SaeBom Jung 

     Special 1st-grade educator in the Korea Kyungjin School 

. Anna Lee 

     Secretary General of Bucheon Haelim Center 

. SoMin Park 

     Volunteer at the Korea Kyungjin School 

. DongGyun Do 

     Senior staff member of the Purme Foundation  

. DaeSung Lee

     Priest of the Anglican Church of Korea in the Kanghwa Uri Village

. OkSoon Kang

     Nurse at the Korea Kyungjin School

. DhamBin Jung

     Senior staff member of the Purme Foundation communication team

XI. JaeSun Park

     Special educator and manager of the Korea Kyungjin School

XII. KyungSook Jang

     Director of the life support team in Bucheon Haelim Center

XIII. HeeJeong Jang

     Senior staff member of the Purme Foundation fundraising team

XIV. SungSoo Kim

     Archbishop of the Anglican Church of Korea and Mayor of the Kanghwa Uri Village





Yong In Cho (2001/05/21)

A high-school senior and a passionate author from Chadwick International who simply cannot withstand a second without books. Since 2011, he has regularly visited the Purme Foundation, Kanghwa Uri Village, Bucheon Haelim Center, House of Aduck, Korea Kyungjin School, and Saegdong-Won with his father to give the disabled people free dental care. To share the warmth and lessons he has gained from the experience, he collaborated with his sister, Yehin, to illustrate his story of service with the hope of bridging the gap between the disabled and the rest of society. In his free time, he loves playing tennis with his friends and write out random plots of novels and other thoughts that come to his mind. He lives in Incheon, South Korea, with his loving parents and sister. 


현재 채드윅 송도국제학교 12학년에 재학중이며, 책을 정말 사랑하는 열정적인 작가이다. 그는 2011년부터 아버지와 함께 푸르메재단, 강화우리마을, 부천혜림원, 애덕의 집, 한국경진학교, 색동원 등을 정기적으로 방문해 장애인 치과 치료 자원봉사를 해왔다. 그는 동생 예인이와 함께 봉사를 통해 얻은 따스함과 교훈을 나누고자 한다. 종종 테니스를 즐기며, 가끔 마음속에 떠오르는 생각들을 아무렇게나 글로 표현하는 것을 좋아한다. 사랑하는 부모님, 여동생과 함께 인천 송도에 살고 있다.


Yeh In Cho (2005/01/13)

She was born in Seoul in 2005. She has been doing volunteer work with her father and brother since 2013, and is proud to have worked with her brother in his first book illustrating the flowers. She is currently a 10th grader at Chadwick International School. 


2005년 서울에서 태어났다.
2013년부터 아빠, 오빠와 함께 봉사활동을 다녔으며, 오빠의 첫 작품에 꽃 그림으로 함께한 것에 뿌듯해한다. 현재 채드윅 송도국제학교 10학년에 재학 중이다.




저자의 다른책 바른북스에서 저자의 다른책도 함께 접해보세요!
도서 구매 사이트 이 책을 다양한 사이트에서 만나보세요!


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